Saturday, October 3, 2009

Children of Bodom

So, on September 23rd I went to see the Children of Bodom Concert.

I was thoroughly unimpressed. It was at the Metropolis in Downtown Montreal, and I must say once again the Metropolis has failed to meet my basic expectations for proper sound mixing. Each band had the exact same sound, which was a loud mesh of mostly guitars drowning everything out, making it extremely painful to the ears.

The bands:

Skeleton Witch;
Fairly generic Black/Thrash Metal, nothing interesting or new to me, other than the lead singer pounding his fists on his chest to the beat at some points. Also he very much turned me off even giving them a chance from recordings by saying, on the second song, "This song... Is about... SATANNNNN!!" which is just juvenile and idiotic. Sure, write about whatever you want, you can even tell the crowd, but not in such a gimmicky way.

The Black Dahlia Murder:
They have some pretty good studio songs, and they did play a much better set than Skeleton Witch, but really the sound was just so bad it was giving me a headache at this point. Good stage presence, didn't need the fairly heavy-set singer to take off his shirt though. Better on CD than live from what I gathered.

Children of Bodom:
The band of the evening, came on around 10:00pm, Alexi is damn short. They had the worst sound of all, every song sounded exactly the same, Laiho was boring and drunk, shit band live, that and they're only alright on CD, I left at 10:30pm, couldn't take it anymore.

Terrible Concert.

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